De como me despedía del 2o piso por ahí del 2009...

ARCHIVO 16.Enero.2009

"For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case too early - to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit; stop whenever you want. You can change, or stay the same - there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again" Benjamin Button

We play so many roles during life that we almost never stop and think about how many lives have touched us and how many lives have been touched by us... When you get to certain age (Lets call it "Almost 30") the words "age crisis" stops being only a main topic for a Cosmopolitan magazine article and starts being a main topic of your everyday life. But "crisis" equals "change" and it doesnt really mean something bad as we usually think... 

Me? Well, this morning while looking at my new wrinkle that is probably just a expression line or part of my "almost 30" imagination, I suddenly realized how many roles Ive played in my own life and the fact is that Ive been someone´s: daughter, grand daughter, great grand daughter, niece, cousin, aunt, neighbor, student, teacher, best friend, friend, ex friend, girlfriend, ex girlfriend, affair, free, employee, employer, counselor, pain in the ass, shoulder to cry, nanny, au pair, nightmare, deception, nice surprise, partner, god child, god mother, sister in law, daughter in law, substitute sister, substitute mother, client, vendor...

 ...And while doing this mental list, my wrinkle started looking much better and less scary, cause the fact remains that we all might be getting old (Im still surprised about how many of my friends are either married or parents or both!) but we are who we are thanks to this roleplay called life, and I have enjoyed mine very much... 

Special thanks to that people I have been "someone" to, you have been everything to me no matter how, when and for how long you have crossed through my 1st two acts in this world.

 Thanks 4 the experiences, either good or bad, for all the learning and for creating this monster Im enjoying to be ... Im definately ready for 3rd act!...



Mi foto
Verónica Gsm
Fanática de la utopía y cursi de clóset. Nómada. Creo en lo que no cree casi nadie y desconfío de aquello en lo que creen muchos. Mi alter ego se llama Violetta. Nunca me he enamorado a medias; me enamoro o no y cualquiera de las dos, se me nota. Algo Facebookera pero muy Twittera. Me gustan las historias ajenas y las frases sueltas. No corro, no grito y no empujo. Terca como mula y aferrada como capricornio. Cuando el mundo se me enreda, camino y si se me pone muy de cabeza, tomo una maleta y me voy a dar el rol. Tengo adicción por los mensajes de texto y/o las visitas inesperadas a deshoras de la noche; por NY, por San Cris, por los "chick flicks", por los libros de Angeles Mastretta y por los chocolates con mazapán de Sanborns. De vez en cuando practico el autoboicot. Escribir es el saco que me cobija y a veces ese saco le queda a alguien más.
